Finding Your Own Path Without Straight A's (Ft. Pilates Body Founder Cardi Yeung)


When all the doors close on you, maybe it’s a sign to create and open your own door.

Cardi Yeung - a Hong Kong entrepreneur and pilates instructor - might not be a straight-A student and did not follow a traditional career path. But she shows us it is possible to define one’s success by owning up to her mistakes while carving out a new path along the way.

Born and raised in Hong Kong and educated in the UK and Switzerland, Cardi joins us to talk about how she overcame bullying and racism at school, and her experience starting and pivoting her business when conventional career options were no longer an option for her.


Filipino-American PR Professional on Moving to Asia and Culture Shock


French Polynesian Designer Infuses Culture into Interiors (ft. Kinsman)